TLDR: We now have a Flux Optimized VPS lineup and we advise against purchasing a standard KVM Ryzen VPS for Flux nodes.

In March, there was a huge influx in orders with users that were demanding 200MB/s+ write speeds on our KVM Ryzen VPS lineup. After doing some research, we found out that these users were attempting to run Flux nodes on our virtual private servers. While we don't have any issue with users running these Flux nodes on our servers, there have been users that are accusing us of fraud or asking for full refunds 2-3 weeks after they purchased their server due to not receiving the required speeds to run these Flux nodes.

We just want to clarify something: all of our nodes run 100% NVMe SSD or SATA SSD and you are receiving the advertised specifications on the order page. However, you must keep in mind that these are virtual private servers and that we do not guarantee certain disk speeds on our standard KVM Ryzen VPS lineup. Virtual Private Servers are portions of dedicated servers or dedicated hardware that are split into smaller pieces. This means that the disk speeds are shared between others and can sometimes dip depending on the load of our nodes. The CPU is also shared between multiple users, and so you also must be mindful of your CPU usage (however, Flux nodes generally don't take up much CPU). The KVM Ryzen VPS line has been a lineup that is focused on providing generally good value for those who want to run small game networks, websites, etc. However, the KVM Ryzen VPS lineup has not been focused on providing high performance disk speed. We are trying our best to help those who are running Flux nodes, but this surge in orders was completely unexpected.

If you are planning on purchasing a VPS from us in order to deploy a Flux node, please purchase a Flux Optimized VPS. Flux Optimized VPS's are made with specifically Flux users in mind, and have high speed Gen4 Enterprise NVMe SSD in order to ensure extremely good performance and reliability. We've seen benchmarks from happy Flux users that are reporting up to 6x the required disk speeds (1.5 GB/s+) and EPS (1800+). We can also deploy dedicated servers for you if you need the absolute best or if you're planning on running a massive amount of Flux nodes (open a ticket for more info).

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